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A Bit of Our Story:

Dumbass® Gifts is a clothing and gift company dedicated to bringing smiles and humor to everyday life. Our dumbass brand revolves around cleverly designed artwork, a play on words, and humorous sayings that evoke smiles from everyday folks. Our quest for smiles originated from a childhood memory. A memory of grown-ups, that when gathered, were somehow allowed to use the very same language they had threatened to keep us kids indoors over, or wash our mouths out, or told would prevent us from getting to heaven. As a matter of fact, these same words that were supposed to be vulgar, hurtful and disrespectful, now seemed to make the grown-ups laugh and strangely appear to be more friendly towards each other. Instinctively as kids we still knew never to repeat the grown-up words for fear of the consequences. But, at the same time we were kids and had our own creed; to get away with as much as possible as long as it didn't cause anyone real harm, have our dinner withheld from us, or keep us longer in the confessional on Saturdays.

During one of these grown-up gatherings, a fishing trip, my brothers and I decided it was time to push the envelope and see what we could get away with. We hijacked and re-invented a word, a grown-up word... DUMBASS. Dumbass became dum-Bass, and from that moment on it could freely be shared by us kids without worry of consequence. The use of this new word, particularly when used in the same context as its predecessor (dumbass), brought out many big laughs from the adults and created a lot of fun for us kids!

20 some-odd years later, creator Mike Farrington is still trying to get away with things. This time around, it is to spend his entire adult life in t-shirts and jeans. The creation of DumBass has also given him a reasonable excuse for slipping away for an occasional fishing trip with his buddies. He often refers to these trips as "Research & Development" for future Dumbass® designs!

Happy Dumbassing!!

Copyright © 2006- by Amoskeag Design.  All rights reseved.

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